01228 Area Code. 01228 Area Code (Dialling Code) ???? 01228 is the area code for Carlisle and the surrounding area The UK telephone numbers from Carlisle have this format (01228) ###### within the 5 digit geographical dialling code 01228 (including the zero) are 11 digits long ???? Carlisle ( England).
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Part 1 Where Is 01228 Area Code? 01228 is an area code that represents Carlisle The numbers with prefixes 01/02 in the UK are the geographic numbers that are representative of a specific physical location In addition to Carlisle 01228 area code is also used for other locations including.
UK Area Code 01228 Phone Lookup
The location for 01228 is Carlisle UK The 01228 area code will allow you to make calls to Carlisle from wherever in the world you are For those who wish to call Carlisle from abroad follow these simple steps 1 Dial the international access code 2 Enter the UK country code (44) 3.
01228 Area Code Carlisle Phone Number cNumber
The 01228 area code is a 4 digit geographical dialling code (excluding the zero) used in telecommunications for the Carlisle area The local telephone numbers within the 01228 are 6 digits long The correct format in which to write a telephone number from the Carlisle area code is (01228) [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x].
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We have full listings of all the area code 01228 numbers so you can conveniently find the number you have been searching for Location Carlisle Ceremonial county Cumbria Local number length 6 Number format 01228 xxxxxx International number format +44 1228 xxxxxx Locations using numbers include Burgh by Sands.