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Quirky Bright and Fun Infectious and catchy Quirky Bright and Fun is the right choice forInspirational Loops Inspirational Loops contains five tracks They all use acoustic guitar butUpbeat Indie Folk The Upbeat Indie Folk track features a catchy mixture of acoustic guitarRelaxation The Relaxation track is the most quiet and contemplative of the soundtracks onAcoustic Guitar Music Pack 1 If you want to add a warm and relaxed vibe to an instructionalUpbeat Uplifting Inspiring Indie Pop The Upbeat Uplifting Inspiring Indie Pop track is aUplifting and Inspiring Corporate Uplifting and Inspiring Corporate uses electric andPeaches Peaches has a mischievous and spritely quality that is best suited to instructionalEducation One of the newest additions to AudioJungle the Education soundtrack has aLiving My Life Living My Life is a catchy youthful pop track with hand clapping bells piano.
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15 soundtrack terbaik untuk video instruksional
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14 Best Soundtracks for Instructional Videos
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