Bosar Maligas. Bosar Maligas iku kacamatan ing Kabupaten Simalungun Provinsi Sumatra Lor Indonésia CithakanBosar Maligas Simalungun d r b Kabupatèn Simalungun Sumatra Lor Kecamatan Bandar • Bandar Huluan • Bandar Masilam • Bosar Maligas • Dolok Batunanggar • Dolok Panribuan • Dolok Pardamean • Dolok Silau • Girsang Sipangan Bolon •.
Driving Directions To Smp Negeri 2 Bosar Maligas Bosar Maligas Waze from Waze
The Sei Mangkei SEZ is located in Indonesia precisely on the Sumatra island North Sumatra Province Simalungun Bosar Maligas Geographically Simalungun Regency is located at coordinates ‘02036 03018 ′ North Latitude and’ 98032 99035 ′ East Longitude The topography of the Simalungun Regency varies the highlands and lowlands located at an altitude of.
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Driving Directions To Smp Negeri 2 Bosar Maligas Bosar Maligas Waze