Convention De La Haye Apostille. The Convention on the Service Abroad of Judicial and Extrajudicial Documents in Civil or Commercial Matters more commonly called the Hague Service Convention is a multilateral treaty that was adopted in The Hague The Netherlands on 15 November 1965 by member states of the Hague Conference on Private International LawIt came into existence to give litigants a.
Form Ao 390 Apostille Convention De La Haye 5 Octobre 1961 from Form AO 390 Apostille (Convention de La Haye, 5 Octobre 1961)
How to Request an Apostille via Drop box in Los Angeles Secretary of State (Los Angeles) 300 South Spring Street Room 12513 Los Angeles CA 90013 Our Los Angeles office located in the Ronald Reagan building is currently closed to the public However staff are on site daily and continue to process documents submitted to the drop box on the 12th floor each day and are.
Hague Service Convention Wikipedia
Form Ao 390 Apostille Convention De La Haye 5 Octobre 1961
Request an Apostille :: California Secretary of State