Dfk International. nous sommes membres de dfk international une importante association internationale regroupant des cabinets indépendants de comptables et de conseillers en entreprises depuis plus de 50 ans cette association nous permet de mettre à la disposition de nos clients évoluant à l’international ou aspirant à développer leurs marchés sur de nouveaux.

PDF fileagreement with DFK International an association of independent accounting firms throughout the world (wwwdfk com) With over 400 offices in 92 countries our affiliation with DFK International provides a practical personalized alternative to dealing with large multinational firms Membership in DFK provides direct access to the collective resources and intellectual capital.
Portail Comptables professionnels agréés à Québec DFK
Suite 201 516 Topsail Rd St John’s NL A1E 2C5 Tel (709) 3645600 Tel (709) 3682146 Email info@noseworthychapmancainfo@noseworthychapmanca.
About Us DFK Canada Inc.
DFK est un cabinet de comptables professionnels agréés situé à Québec qui offre des services de certification de comptabilité de fiscalité de juricomptabilité de redressement d’entreprise et plus encore ! Nous possédons également une solide expertise en gestion des pharmacies.
DFK International If you want to operate or grow internationally DFK International can help you get there by tapping into our global membership Member firms are carefully selected for the quality of service that they provide and with more than 50 years of experience of working together DFK has the experience to know what we are talking about.
Future Conferences
DFK Equipment Sales Inc. St.Marys, Ontario and
DFK International KKCO
à Comptables professionnels agréés DFK International
Dfk Expands Your World Of Business Opportunities
DFK International Alfa Accountants and Advisors
DFK International Davis Martindale London & Toronto
DFK International
About DFK International/USA DFK
Independent Accounting Firms & Ireland DFK UK
Dfk Expands Your World Of Business Opportunities
Welcome to DFK Local Knowledge Global Presence Why DFK International We care about international business and we care about our members our relationships and our communities Our association of independent accounting tax legal and business advisory firms ensures that you get the information that you need in a way that works for you.