Immaculate Order. The Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate (OMI) is a missionary religious congregation in the Catholic ChurchIt was founded on January 25 1816 by Saint Eugène de Mazenod a French priest born in AixenProvence in the south of France on August 1 1782 The congregation was given recognition by Pope Leo XII on February 17 1826 As of January 2020 the congregation was.

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Immaculate Conception Wikipedia
The Immaculate Conception is a doctrine of the Roman Catholic Church that states that the Virgin Mary was free of original sin from the moment of her conception First debated by medieval theologians it proved so controversial that it did not become part of official Catholic teaching until 1854 when Pius IX gave it the status of dogma in the papal bull Ineffabilis Deus.
Sisters Servants Of Mary Immaculate Nuns Reach Golden Years In Mundare Calgary Herald
Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate Wikipedia
Houston, TX Dominican Sisters