Plum Ungu. purple (pûr′pəl) n 1 Any of a group of colors with a hue between that of violet and red 2 Cloth of a color between violet and red formerly worn as a symbol of royalty or high office 3 Imperial power high rank born to the purple 4 Roman Catholic Church a The rank or office of a cardinal b The rank or office of a bishop adj 1 Of the.
Sumber anthocyanidin yang baik yaitu termasuk buah beri merah ungu dan biru buah delima plum anggur merah dan ungu Anthocyanidins berhubungan dengan kesehatan jantung efek antioksidan dan membantu pencegahan obesitas dan diabetes 3 Flavonones Yang termasuk flavonones hesperetin eriodictyol dan naringenin Flavonon ditemukan.
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Warna dasar Ungu Lavender E6 E6 FA 230 230 250 Thistle D8 BF D8 216 191 216 Plum DD A0 DD 221 160 221 Violet EE 82 EE 238 130 238 Orchid DA 70 D6 218 112 214 Fuchsia FF 00 FF 255 0 255 Magenta FF 00 FF 255 0 255 MediumOrchid BA 55 D3 186 85 211 MediumPurple 93 70 DB 147 112 219 BlueViolet 8A 2B E2 138 43 226 DarkViolet 94 00 D3 148 0 211.