Sinonim Good. (Good Reason 3) To find a rhyming rhythmic or alliterative word To find a word that fits your needs poetically put a synonym and then use your thesaurus to hunt down a betterfitting synonym A piece shard of shrapnel shaved her shoulder blade (Bad Reason 1) To avoid a word you can’t spell According to Musician Burt Bacharach a synonym is “a word you use when you.
8 Pandemic Words Phrases People Absolutely Never Want To Hear Again Dictionary Com from
Kurc je za bečki dnevnik “Kronen cajtung” kazao da odustaje od svog prava na ta primanja On bi imao pravo na 75 odsto od plate koja je.
Kurc ne želi B92
8 Pandemic Words Phrases People Absolutely Never Want To Hear Again Dictionary Com