Wedding Kahiyang Ayu. As a symbol to welcome Kahiyang Ayu into the family Bobby Nasution took his new bride to his hometown in Medan and held a traditional namegiving procession and ceremony In accordance with the North Sumatran tradition Kahiyang Ayu will be given an additional surname of Siregar that came from Bobby’s maternal family.
7 Potret Pre Wedding Unik Kahiyang Ayu Calon Suami Eksplore Budaya Indonesia from
Ms Kahiyang and Mr Bobby both 26 were officially married in an Islamic solemnisation ceremony or akad nikah earlier in the morning with VicePresident Jusuf Kalla acting as witness for the bride while Coordinating Economic Minister Darmin Nasution was witness for the groom.
Lusiana Sanato @ Kahiyang Ayu dan Bobby Nasution Wedding
Prior to her wedding to Bobby Nasution tomorrow the daughter of President Joko Widodo Kahiyang Ayu held her siraman procession today at her house in Solo Emotions started flowing as Kahiyang bowed before her parents asking for their blessing in entering marriage.
Wedding Secrets: Kahiyang Ayu Highend Magazine
President Joko Widodo’s only daughter Kahiyang Ayu and Bobby Nasution are now officially married after their akad nikah procession in Solo Done in the Javanese Tradition Kahiyang truly looks like a regal Javanese princess clad in Solo Putri attires while Bobby looks as stunning in matching beskap suit.
Wedding of Joko Widodo's daughter attended by 'Who's …
35 years of marriage Either Widodo – Iriana Here is Kahiyang Ayun’s love message CANTIKACOM Jakarta – Today Friday December 24 2021 President Joko Widodo aka Jokowi and Iriana are celebrating 35 years of marriage On a special day for his parents Kahiyang Ayu share love messages on social media.
7 Potret Pre Wedding Unik Kahiyang Ayu Calon Suami Eksplore Budaya Indonesia
Wedding of President Joko Widodo’s daughter attended by
Ayu Wedding Counting Days to Jokowi`s Daughter Kahiyang
The Elegant Javanese Wedding of Indonesian First Daughter
The PreWedding Album of Kahiyang Ayu and Bobby Nasution
Johannes Nugroho: Indonesia, ‘Negara Pejabat’
Premium High Res Indonesia Photos and Horse Carriage In
35 years of marriage Either Widodo Iriana, Here is
for Cultural Jokowi’s Daughter’s Wedding Procession a Boon
Prosesi Upacara Tradisional Bobby Kahiyang Ayu dan
brings joy to Wedding of President Joko Widodo’s daughter
Wedding Ceremony of President’s Daughter Continues Despite
Situs Warungboto Lokasi Foto Pre Wedding Kahiyang Ayu
of Kahiyang Ayu in Solo The Siraman Procession
Kahiyang Ayu Wedding Reception Features Cultural Parade
The Traditional Wedding Ceremonies of Kahiyang Ayu and
en Rp2bn News Cost Estimated at Kahiyang Ayu`s Wedding
3 Interesting Facts in Wedding of Jokowi`s Daughter Life
Wedding of Indonesian President Joko Widodo’s daughter
FIRST LOOK: Traditional Javanese Wedding for Indonesia’s
Situs pesanggrahan di Yogyakarta ini dipilih sebagai salah satu lokasi foto pre wedding mbak Kahiyang Ayu @ayanggkahiyang dan calon suaminya Bobby Nasution yang berasal dari propinsi Sumatera Utara Di akunnya mbak Ayang yang cantik ini mengunggah foto mereka berdua berpose di Situs Warungboto Lokasi detilnya yaitu di antara kolam bulat dan.